Gr. a = not, chondros = cartilage, plasis = a molding. Failure of normal development of cartilage.
Gr. akron = tip or summit, omos = shoulder. The famous Acropolis in Athens was built on a summit.
Gr. ana = "excessive", phylaxis = “protection”. Used to describe the excessive immunological reaction of the body to an antigen. source
Anaplasma phagocytophilum
Gr. an- = without, and plasma = shape, phagocyte + L. phile = loving. A species of tickborne bacteria that causes human granulocytic anaplasmosis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum (named for its affinity for growing…
Gr. ana = up, stoma = mouth. Used to describe the connection of two canals (e.g. blood vessels).
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